Sunday, June 28, 2009

Welcome to the Bard's Barbecue

It's the first week of summer vacation, after a hectic semester of teaching tenth grade English, and directing Bye Bye Birdie, it's time to put the school year behind me and take a little time to be creative.

Over the long hot weeks of summer, this creativity manifests itself in different ways. I'll work on some new plays or short stories and do some blogging, but when the writing doesn't flow, I head straight to my kitchen.

I'm passionate about food. I not only love to eat, but love to cook and discuss food. In the summer time, my favourite method of cooking is barbecue. Last summer, Amanda and I purchased a Weber Charcoal grill and after a steep learning curve, I've managed to become quite confident in my charcoal-grilled creations.

There's nothing better on a summer afternoon than getting the inspiration to try a new dish or to rediscover an old favourite. I put in a couple hours in the kitchen and stand over the hot grill to surprise my lovely partner when she gets home from work. Watching the delight in her eye, when she takes her first bite, is more satisfying than applause from a full auditorium.

Over the next few weeks, I'll combine my love for food and my love of writing and share our culinary adventures!

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